
Review of Magna Cart Ideal Hand Truck

The Magna Cart "Ideal" is apparently the next step in the evolution of the original Magna Cart. It seems new as of March 2009. In the meantime, the manufacturer Welcom came out with the "Magna Cart Elite 2". All 3, as of this writing, are available on Amazon, but I expect the Ideal is the replacement of the original Magna Cart, which I expect to become extinct soon.

Bolstering that notion is the fact I saw some original Magna Carts in my local Big Lots store (same price as Amazon, but Amazon had free shipping). So, I've now been able to handle both.

What I can say is the differences between the original and Ideal are incremental, and not as big as I had thought. Basically, the Ideal is an "Elite 2" model, scaled down to the size of the original Magna Cart. What a great idea. In photos, the Ideal and Elite 2 look significantly more sturdy than the original MC, however being able to handle the original, I was still quite impressed. Actually, the weight of the original and Ideal are about the same. The folding mechanism and wheels also. The floor tray is similar (both metal). Extended height: same (I did mark the distance to my belly button for memory). I think folded height is same too. Width seemed to be the same, but not sure. The biggest differences I could see was the structural system forming the back and handle.

The original can extend and collapse with just one hand. The Ideal requires two hands, using the yellow button on the big gray crossbar as you can see in the pics. However, I believe the Ideal's system is sturdier (just not as convenient). I admit, the original's system is pretty slick. And actually, the original has 2 height settings. Albeit, they are close to each other, but it does give more flexibility. My Ideal only has one setting: maximum extension. All it would take is a small hole in either side of the tubular frame to get another notch in there; I'm surprised they didn't do that.

So, while just from looking and studying what I could online, the Ideal seemed a clear winner to me beforehand, but now they seem much closer, almost a wash. Just goes to show you how with all the information you can extract off the web, you still don't necessarily know before feeling and seeing something in person. The pathetically small amount of photos and useful information e-tailers provide, doesn't help that situation.

If the original is still available and you're deciding between that and the Ideal, I would actually call it a personal decision more than a matter of quality. For lightweight things like airport use, the one-handed operation of the original MC could be more useful. If you're planning on using it harder, or to carry more weight, or (like me) as a compromise between the strength (and weight and price) tradeoff of the Elite vs the original Magna Cart, I'd recommend the Ideal over the original.

If you're deciding between the Elite 2 and its little sibling the Ideal, the choice is easier as they are more differentiated. Despite being twice the price, the Elite 2 is simply an amazingly strong, innovative, small, and low-cost solution. It is up to some pretty serious heavy lifting, up to what most people would normally throw at a hand truck. It's not a professional mover's hand truck, and it's not designed to be. But considering its portability, it's amazing. The larger wheels of the Elite 2 make it easier to go up steps, but there's no 'stair climber' feature which heavy duty trucks often have, so keep that in mind. The Ideal's and original's wheels are actually not as small as you'd think--they're nothing like the extremely small wheels of my Pack'N'Roll, which is another product you should consider, depending on your needs. Pack'N'Roll is great for loose stuff like grocery bags, but basically useless for carrying boxes and large shrinkwrapped items, which is what my purposes were. Actually, the wider stance of the Elite 2 will make maneuvering inside your house slightly more difficult, but at the same time lends confidence and stability when rolling things around outside. For people who need some extra heavier duty in a folding cart, which is not most people, the Elite 2 is a great choice. Most people should do just fine on an Ideal or even original, and most people will never tax the sturdiness of any of these. I can't say the same at all of a Pack'N'Roll (lol). My Pack'N'Roll is extremely flimsy feeling compared to the 'confident' and comparitively heavy Magna Cart Ideal, which is impressive not only in design, but in manufacture. I would say the Pack'N'Roll is only impressive in design! lol. Then again, the Pack'N'Roll is half the weight, and is a true featherweight, where the Ideal and original were actually heavier than expected after what I read and saw online.

I'm considering drilling 2 holes in the bar of the ideal to give myself to height options. I think this is the only thing actually lacking, and I'm pretty nit-picky in reviews. Contrary to the original reviewer, who seemed to associate 'quality' with Chinese goods, I think most people out there would beg to differ. This guy is made in China, and I would characterize the quality as an exception to the rule. Something this quality shouldn't really be available at a price this low. Low-priced, quality but imported goods are nice on one end, but long-term destructive to our country; it's like eating your seed corn. The 'little guy' has no control over this, the decisions have already been made, and as long as we are essentially forced to buy Chinese-made products, this is a good one.

The founder of Welcom wrote an actually interesting and insightful review of his own product, in the original Magna Cart review; it's worth a read if you can find it. He is an American and a very innovative guy. Even with slave labor and dictatorship/totalitarianism, I don't know how he gets us such great products at such low prices. The innovation obviously continues on this product, as he combines the strengths and learned lessons of the Elite 2, into a product the size of the original Magna Cart. Well done.

Original Magna Cart:

Magna Cart Elite 2:

Click Here to see more reviews about: Magna Cart Ideal Hand Truck

Product Description:
Rugged like a hand truck yet designed to fold more compactly than most luggage carts, the Magna Cart is a favorite of anyone who regularly hauls gear around. The MC1 opens instantly with the touch of a button, and go wherever you need it.

The MC1 Magna Cart folds to just over 2 inches thick for easy storage. You can use it at home to carry in groceries, at the office to move heavy reams of paper, at the marina to haul your boat provisions, or on an overseas trip to help with multiple pieces of luggage. And when you're done using the MC1, the cart folds to just over 2 inches thick thanks to the retractable wheels. The Magna Cart is so compact that you can easily fit it in a car trunk or a closet.
  • Extends to 39 inches tall
  • Folds to 28 inches tall and 2.5 inches thick
  • 15-inch wide steel base plate
  • Rugged 19mm steel frame with parallel tubes
  • 150-pound capacity
  • Weighs under 9 pounds

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