
Review of Harper Trucks PGDYK1635PO Nylon Convertible Hand Truck

Just to let you know, this "may" be an ok product.What I received was far from it.When received from FEDEX I looked at it and said "Damn, I can put this together in about 5 minutes". Not so, very poor quality control on the product that they shipped out.It was suppose to have 6 space washers, it came with 4 (the parts list initially said four and was crossed out and updated to six).The wheels were suppose to simply slide on the axel (one did, one didn't).The cotter pins seem to come in two different sizes, three long, one short.Seeing that one of the wheels slides fine on either end of the axel, I can only assume that the bearing race on one wheel, was either the incorrect one or out of round. So, I thought maybe it was just a metalic burr, which could be easily corrected with a rubber mallet (used gently of course).Nope, seems I had to place it in a vice and use a drift pin to knock out the axel, which also knocked out the inner bearing race.This created another problem, "reinstalling the race with the bearing intact".Way to much crap to go through for no particular reason.Sigh . . .

This happened on a Saturaday night so there was no one to call, although I did have use for this product at this time, I guess I just place everying thing on hold or buy a mule. So . . . now it's sitting in my garage anxiously waiting for Monday to come about.Seeing that I have a few options, other than calling the company and expecting them to "overnight" the correct parts (which I doubt), I will probably be returning the product to Amazon "if" what I get is "static" from Harper.I will, however, edit this fine review if the company handles this in a expedient manner and update the rating, if not . . .well I did rate it one, didn't I?So . . .I guess time will tell.

Update:March 10,2010I eventually had to return the first one for a same product replacement.And I was impressed with the expedient manner Amazon handled the return and sent me another one (that worked).Long story made short, all the parts fit this time, however there were still two space washers missing as in the first order.That ok, I figured this could possibly happen and I saved two spacers on the hand truck I returned.I would have probably given this product a five star rating if part one of this review never happened.

As far as the assembled product is concerned.It only took a few minutes to put together.Removing the handle to convert it to a four wheel truck is easily done with just two pins that lock into place.I'm sure this will work just fine and appears to be made well.

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