
Review of Concorde III, Telescoping Hand Truck, Weight Capasity 150 lb.

We owned our first Remin for at least 20 years and used it every time we travel anywhere with more than one light "carry-on bag" It is particularly useful for carring 2-3 boxes at a time from our city apartment to our waiting car for weekend trips to the country. It is rugged, doesen't bend the way cheeper models do whehn you put real weight on it, and it is virtually indestructable. We also use it for bringing our 55 lb. portable air condition er up from the cellar to be installed for summertime use.
So much luggage now comes with their own built in wheels, but we still find our Remin Concord III essential for carrying any item that doesn't have them, from large boxes to be shipped to camp coolers.

We wouldn't be buying a new one now except that ours ecenly "disappeared"_ when we left it unattended recently.What better recommendation could you ask for?

Click Here to see more reviews about: Concorde III, Telescoping Hand Truck, Weight Capasity 150 lb.

Product Description:
The Concorde II, double rod, telescoping kart is designed to carry 150 pounds, while folding to acompact storage size, weighing 5 lbs.

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